We are happy to inform that a feature film AMERIKATSI directed by Michael Goorjian won the Best Narrative Feature Film award...
We are happy to announce that a debut short film HANDSTAND directed by Ovsanna Shekoyan and produced with a state financial support, has received...
The American premiere of AURORA’S SUNRISE, an animated documentary film directed by Inna Sahakyan, will take place within the competition program...
The film THE AMERICAN GOOD SAMARITANS won the award "Best Humanitarian Film" at Cannes World Film...
The film THE AMERICAN GOOD SAMARITANS, directed by Ara Mnatsakanyan continues its winning streak and now has come winning in the American...
THE AMERICAN GOOD SAMARITANS came winning at the US "Docs Without Borders International Film Festival", being granted "Excellence" award.
On July 13, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the National Cinema Center of Armenia and the Indian Economic Trade Organization...
One of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great Armenian cinema master Yuri Yerznkyan, took place in the Yerznkyan’s family birthplace from July 1-3 in Haghpat...
The screening of a documentary film Frunzik Mkrtchyan. India Remembers Me (English and Russian subtitles) will be held at the Moscow Cinema, July 4, 19:00. Prior to the screening, an exclusive photo collection of the famous actor...
Henceforth, the National Cinema Center of Armenia is an Associate Member of the International Federation of Film Archives - FIAF...
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